There was also a nice mixture of canvass types: plastic/plexi-glass, poster board, baseball cards, regular canvasses, wood, and other objects like spray cans, a toy truck, and some play-do. There was also a green dragon (or something like it) made of papier mache (I think) in the middle of the room that I'm pretty sure someone was riding at some point, a plate of cold cuts and hamburger meat fashioned into Nixon's moniker, and a tagged up waste paper can.
There was a solid turn out of folks walking through checking the art work, mingling, chatting, and having a few drinks to the beats the DJ was kicking out behind one of the main counters where he was set up (I didn't get his name but he was putting out some good stuff). Sino, who runs the shop, was balancing his time walking through the shop and hanging out at the main counter area chatting it up with writers and others passing through. The show was certainly a success evidenced by a great turn out and a good number of pieces having been marked "sold" by the time I left around 9:30 pm.
Here are a few shots of the opening night.
The exposition is running until the 19th of December 2009 so if you want to get your hands on some original, well priced works by a local writer then stop on by Sino Shop at 2817 rue Ontario Est, just off of Frontenac metro.